milo firewater uses ableton, geco and a LEAP for his Live Setup.
Tag Archives: music
PLINK music & LEAP Motion
Plink is a multiplayer music experience. In this video DinahmoeSTHLM shows how it works in connection with the LEAP. Continue reading
Drumactica 2 0 by Enrico Bertelli | live performance
Musician Enrico Bertelli shows in a live stage performance how the LEAP can be used to create awesome sounds and get together with real drums midi and snares. His augmented hybrid instrument Continue reading
Base and Visuals with iniSphere and LEAP
h[Oz] (L’ange Carasuelo) controls IniSphere with his LEAP Motion and creates nice beats and visuals.
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Vuo – node based program interactive installations and more
VUO is a node based program, with which artists and designers can create their own media mixed up interactive installations. Continue reading
Strum Player | Processing
Je Seok Koo has created a strum player built in processing. Use the Leap to make some music! Download for free.
Using the Leap Motion controller to play osu!
Theowest plays osu with LEAP and shows how precise and quick the LEAP reacts. Continue reading
Electro music and LEAP with Elektron Octatrack
Some electro from Khantipol Kasemsant with a set of Elektron Octatrack, Analog Four and of course – a bit of LEAP. Continue reading