Leap Motion a a guitar enhancement and extender – a video demonstration by musician Nicolás Earnshaw.
Tag Archives: guitar
Guitar Flanging with Geco
Using Geco for flanging the guitar. A short video by “(Jimmy)” blendrix. 🙂
Leap Motion as guitar extension
Nicolás Earnshaw demonstrates how you could use the leap motion with an electric guitar.
Leap Motion detects the position of the guitar and manipulates the sound in real-time depending of the xyz coordinations. Leap Motion as a kind of a virtual pedal. Live Example Link inside. Continue reading
E-Guitar wubs…flanger sounds
neodorian uses a leap motion connected to an electric guitar. In a first experiment there are already some interesting tunes… Continue reading
Live JAM with Chrome + Leap Motion
On jamwithchrome.com you can play different instruments with your folks over the internet. It’s already fun without a LEAP. But now
Strum Player | Processing
Je Seok Koo has created a strum player built in processing. Use the Leap to make some music! Download for free.
Multi Modal Instrument: Leap Pluck
Richard Polfreman : A basic first example using the new Leap Motion controller in mmi to pluck a string. In this case we are only using the information about the position and orientation of the performer’s palms to Continue reading
Music is in the Air: The Geek Tune
The Geek Tune (Rocking the Leap Motion) #Original by Gratoo How to combine work and hobby! I used the Leap Motion as a MIDI controller to play the drums, control my guitar Continue reading