A japanese Manga Girl stares at your finger which is tracked by Leap Motion.
Tag Archives: finger
Leap Motion Skeletal Tracking (Unofficial) 1+2
Nice skeletal tracking with LEAP Motion. Pre-Version. Continue reading
Leap Motion and programming in Pascal
Detlef D. Overbeek shared a video about programming in Pascal for LEAP Motion. More information coming soon.
InMoov: controlling a robotic hand
InMoov is a completely 3D printed robot. With LEAP Motion you can control his hand and ingers in a very accurate way – Gael Langevin demonstrates it in a short video clip using a script by Seokju Le. Continue reading
Lampe – a virtual light source
Use your finger as a virtual light source. A short demonstration by Brett Riedel.
Do It Yourself Terminator | InMoov
Seokju Lee and Hyunchul Shim printed out a robotic arm with hand and 5 fingers to control it with Arduino and LEAP motion. Continue reading
Very accurate hand and finger recognition in 3D Space | Phalanges R7
Theo Armour shows a new demonstration of a work in progress web app. Hand and fingers (bones) are recognized in a very accurate way in this work-in-progress demonstration. Every single bone (phalanges) gets recognized. Continue reading
Leap Brush: Leap Motion Drawing Tool
Patricio Gonzalez Vivo comes up with a Leap Motion Drawing tool. Use your hands to draw and mix colors.