A japanese video aboutĀ Oppai-Motion – a link between hands and screen interactions….nsfw….You don’t know Oppai-Motion? Watch the video. Continue reading
Tag Archives: japan
Oh, Christmas Time is here again… SINAP Air Bells.
Air Bells – Jingle Bells performend on several Computers with LEAP Motion by SINAP from Japan.
Perform it on your browser.
Prototype Airhockey AR Game
A prototype of a Airhockey Game for LEAP Motion by Yoshinaga Takashi in Augmented Reality with physics. Continue reading
Educational usage of Leap Motion | Augmented Reality
Yoshinaga Takashi from Institute of Systems, Information Technologies and Nanotechnologies from Japan presents an educational augmented reality model you can interact with.
David Copperfield – go home! Here comes the real magic wand fly trick.
Real magic in front of your eyes? A magic wand flies through the air. In an experimental setup user Saqoosah let’s an acrylic stick fly to the movements of his hand. All done with love, magic and leap motion. Great physical example.
BulletSharp + LEAP motion + Augmented Reality
Another Augmented Realtiy Video by Yoshinaga Takashi from Institute of Systems, Information Technologies and Nanotechnologies.
An exhausting shooting game in html5
A html5 game you can play with your LEAP Motion device from Hideki Akiba. To shoot you have to tab your hand quickly and move to left and right the same time.
Electro music and LEAP with Elektron Octatrack
Some electro fromĀ Khantipol Kasemsant with a set of Elektron Octatrack, Analog Four and of course – a bit of LEAP. Continue reading