A funny and interesting idea by Paris based Joshfire – use the LEAP Motion to interact with some LEGO Blocks and interactive minigames – put it all in a retro Video Game Machine Box in the Star Wars topic and let the Force be with you. For instance you can let hover physically a X-Wing fighter.
“We decided to create a game, reproducing Yoda’s swamp scene in “Star Wars Episode 5: Empire strikes back” where Luke rescues his x-wing ship. To make it look even cooler, it is entirely made of Lego in an old fashioned arcade game station” Joshfire
from: http://www.joshfire.com/en/blog/2013-10-10-joshfire-is-proud-to-introduce.html
More coming soon.
Check their YT Page for updates: https://www.youtube.com/user/JoshfireCompany?feature=watch
>Seen at our french collegues from monleap.fr:
BTW: A virtual force simulator (and other great tech demos) you can find from PoHung at https://bitbucket.org/pohung/leapforce/downloads