Theo Armour shows a new demonstration of a work in progress web app. Hand and fingers (bones) are recognized in a very accurate way in this work-in-progress demonstration. Every single bone (phalanges) gets recognized. Continue reading
Theo Armour shows a new demonstration of a work in progress web app. Hand and fingers (bones) are recognized in a very accurate way in this work-in-progress demonstration. Every single bone (phalanges) gets recognized. Continue reading
After his great app GameWave – Geert Bevin has released a new free app called HandWave. With HandWave you can control you OS (Windows & MacOS).
roman01la presents a nice rigged hand controlled with LM and Three.js. Including a very detailed howTo and a working demo on his blog.
A html5 game you can play with your LEAP Motion device from Hideki Akiba. To shoot you have to tab your hand quickly and move to left and right the same time.
User Theo Armour came up with program that can record and play your hand movement through chrome browser. Continue reading
User BeltfedGames enters a 2nd time into a magical world using a magic stick, the Oculus Rift and LEAP Motion to perform a little bit of magic. Continue reading
xssPe shows his first experiments with the Leap Motion Controller, created for LD48.
Demonstration of Leap Motion was exhibited at the Open Campus of the University. Produced by Leap Motion Developer SDK + Siv3D. Continue reading