Play the piano in the virtual space – a unity 3d app for downloading and testing by Andrija Stepic. Continue reading
Tag Archives: instrument
Oh, Christmas Time is here again… SINAP Air Bells.
Air Bells – Jingle Bells performend on several Computers with LEAP Motion by SINAP from Japan.
Perform it on your browser.
Theremin style Midi teat
A Theremin style instrument driven by LM, GECO and Ableton – by deadhorse whatever. Continue reading
Short Tutorial: VST Audio unit patching in sensomusic
A short video tutorial, how to setup Leap Motion and VST Audio in Sensomusic. Continue reading
Air Violin Midi Controller Experiment
Leap Motion controls as Violin Midi controller by Daniel Berlin. Continue reading
Sound & Vision manipulation | bio-robotic creatures
Manipulating crazy 3d objects is fun and interesting. Best situation is when sound and vision are manipulated and projected on a wall. Max/Msp and quartzcomposer – and LM. Continue reading
MOTION HARP: Music with a 3D interface
…using Linux, Python and the Leap Motion. Hector Socas-Navarro plays in the air a Yamaha PSR-3000. The combination of LEAP Motion and the Yamaha creates a whole new instrument. Continue reading
LEAP vs. Xylophone
Ru Zarin built a prototype xylophone, which is playable with LEAP. Well – it’s not really playable but it has the potential to be played.