A 3D printed robotic hand controlled with LEAP Motion.
Tag Archives: robotic
Robotic Arm with LEAP Motion & Arduino + Unity 3D
A robotic arm controlled with LEAP Motion with an Arduino interface and a realtime unity 3d output visualization.
Do It Yourself Terminator | InMoov
Seokju Lee and Hyunchul Shim printed out a robotic arm with hand and 5 fingers to control it with Arduino and LEAP motion. Continue reading
Robot Arm with Arduino driver and Leap Motion controller
A Robotic Arm controlled with Arduino and LEAP Motion. Arduino and Processing code provided by Bentley Born.
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Makeblock Robotic Arm with LeapMotion Control
A leap motion remote controlled robotic arm build with Makeblock.
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Once more: Terminator – Control of fingers of a robotic hand
Prashant Rao demonstrates how he uses Leap Motion to control a robotic hand with his hand – each finger identified and subsequentely controlled. Continue reading
Demo of Dynamic projection mapping onto a gesturally controlled object
BrianHarms shows a gesture controlled robotic arm. A very nice digital to physical analog and back to digital demonstration.
Leap motion controlled robotic arm
A robotic arm controlled with a LEAP Motion controller and Arduino from jimbbq Continue reading