Leap Motion as interface to control a follow light on a stage – just by pointing onto the object. Continue reading
Tag Archives: light
Fast calibration projection mapping / CamSchnappr + LEAP Motion
Shuhei Matsuyama presents a mapped projection. Calibrated with CamSchnappr (projection calibrate tool) and controlled with Leap Motion. Continue reading
Lampe – a virtual light source
Use your finger as a virtual light source. A short demonstration by Brett Riedel.
light tower in real space
A motion controlled light tower with LEDs from Aaron de Lim presented in a nice video. Continue reading
update: morookamitsuo – an experimental experience
A mixture from motion, physics, marbles servo motor and projection – a get-to-gether with LEAP Motion and Open Framework by Mitsuo Morooka. Continue reading
Tutorial with proccessing, Arduino and LEDs
Diego Zaks has published a short video interacting with LEAP Motion, Arduino and LEDs. He also added a detailed tutorial to get started. Continue reading
LED Pointer 2nd one.
User Rom has just uploaded a new example of his LED pointing work. This time he is pointing at a house…a big pointer model. Continue reading
Point with your finger to turn on LED
This video by Rom is interesting: Use your finger not to point on a screen, but on a LED wall. I personally like it a lot when the LEAP is also used for stuff “outside” the computer – because a screen is not needed to control it. Continue reading