This time LEAP Motion brings a great improvement in VR handtracking. With it’s latest Orion Beta it shows which potential sleeps in this tiny device. Congratulations to Leap Motion for this big Step into VR.
Tag Archives: vr
Augmented Reality: Leap Motion Oculus Rift Pass Through
Augmented Reality with Leap Motion Image API – Nice video by Johnathon Selstad Continue reading
Leap Motion Launches VR Headset Mount For Its Hand-Tracking Controller
Today Leap Motion is launching a mount for its PC peripheral that lets you track your hands in virtual reality applications by attaching it to the front of the Oculus Rift or other headsets. This mount launches simultaneously with a new version of Leap Motion’s SDK that enables the device to keep track of your hands from headset’s perspective rather than below. Continue reading
Quickstart Guide: OculusVR + LEAP Motion in Unity
Johnathon Selstad just published a nice quick start guide how to integrate LEAP Motion and Oculus Rift into Unity. Looks great! Thanks. Continue reading
Oculus Rift + Leap Motion: Grab the LEAF
Kerrot K shows how to interact with a 3d environment with LEAP Motion and the Oculus Rift Kit.
quick augmented reality demo
Augmented Reality is a interesting way to mix up virtual reality and reality – user hyunsu kim shows in short demonstration how to bring leap motion into the game.
Touch a Holograph in 3D space
Very promising and interesting demonstration of LEAP Motion and a 3-dimensional holographic object you can touch and interact with in a CAVE from Johnathon Selstad. This reminds me a bit on the great usage of Nintendo WII Headtracking. Great work. Continue reading
Augmented Reality: A virtual puppet prototype
Control a virtual puppet with you hands. Jared Klopper shows a short example. Continue reading