This time LEAP Motion brings a great improvement in VR handtracking. With it’s latest Orion Beta it shows which potential sleeps in this tiny device. Congratulations to Leap Motion for this big Step into VR.
Tag Archives: oculus
Augmented Reality: Leap Motion Oculus Rift Pass Through
Augmented Reality with Leap Motion Image API – Nice video by Johnathon Selstad Continue reading
People have their hands on beta SDK V2 |Bunch of Videos
Check out the newest videos of peoples experiments with Leap Motion’s new SDK V2! Continue reading
Building Blocks using LEAP Motion and Oculus Rift
hecomi mounted LEAP Motion onto the Oculus Rift to play Building Blocks.
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Quickstart Guide: OculusVR + LEAP Motion in Unity
Johnathon Selstad just published a nice quick start guide how to integrate LEAP Motion and Oculus Rift into Unity. Looks great! Thanks. Continue reading
Oculus Rift + Leap Motion: Grab the LEAF
Kerrot K shows how to interact with a 3d environment with LEAP Motion and the Oculus Rift Kit.
’cause it’s magic
It’s just a very short video – but the connection between LEAP Motion and Oculus Rift is also a very interesting topic. In this short video user BeltfedGames uses the LEAP Continue reading
NSFW: Oculus and the LEAP = Hentai?
ILLUSIONMOVIE from Japan, demonstrates the way of interaction between a character…. Oculus Rift, Razer Hydra and LEAP Motion in unity3d. Warning: Not suitable for minors.