Nicolás Earnshaw demonstrates how you could use the leap motion with an electric guitar.
Leap Motion detects the position of the guitar and manipulates the sound in real-time depending of the xyz coordinations. Leap Motion as a kind of a virtual pedal. Live Example Link inside.
(translated)I do a demo of an app I wrote in javascript to use the Leap Motion sensor with a guitar. Send MIDI messages corresponding to the position of the guitar in the X, Y and Z.
“X, Y and Z coordinates of your guitar are sent in 3 separate MIDI modulation messages that you can then open in Reason, MAX, GuitarRig, FL Studio or whatever you prefer and map to any variable you want.”
Hago una demo de una app que escribí en javascript para usar el sensor Leap Motion con una guitarra. Manda mensajes MIDI correspondientes a la posición de la guitarra en los ejes X, Y y Z.
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