Fast calibration projection mapping / CamSchnappr + LEAP Motion

Shuhei Matsuyama presents a mapped projection. Calibrated with CamSchnappr (projection calibrate tool) and controlled with Leap Motion.

 : This projection mapping is calibrated with CamSchnappr (new function in Touchdesigner088).
Leap Motion was used as sensor input device. CG is Created in Touchdesigner. TouchdesignerのCamSchnappr(キャリブレーションシステム)を使ったプロジェクションマッピングのテストです。
また、Leap motionを使い、手の高さ、指の本数で、模様や、色が変化します。


About CAM Schnappr:

CamSchnappr is a interactive mapping application entirely inspired by MAPAMOK, created by Kyle McDonald at the YCAM Interlab. With Kyle publishing the source code for MAPAMOK, we had a chance to look at it and convert it into TouchDesigner 088.

Get the project from the Derivative Forum:

You need TouchDesigner 088 to use this component.