We start going over getting data from gestures that are detected. In this video we go over data that can be gathered from the circle Continue reading
Category Archives: javascript
Tool Data – Leap Motion and Java: Tutorial 6
In this tutorial I go over getting data from each tool in each frame including: tip position, width, direction vector, tool id, and distance of Continue reading
Finger and Bone Data – Leap Motion and Java: Tutorial 5
In this tutorial I go over how to get data for each finger, from each hand, in each frame including: finger type (thumb, index, etc), Continue reading
Hand Data – Leap Motion and Java: Tutorial 4
In this video I go over how to get data from each hand detected in the frame including: hand type (left or right hand), hand Continue reading
Frame Data – Leap Motion and Java: Tutorial 3
In this tutorial I go over getting data from each frame the Leap Motion controller creates. This includes getting frame ID, number of hands, number Continue reading
Creating Leap Motion Listener – Leap Motion and Java: Tutorial 2
I this tutorial we create the listener for our leap motion controller. We program the methods required by the leap motion library including onInit(), onConnect(), Continue reading
Setting Up Leap Motion With Eclipse – Leap Motion and Java: Tutorial 1
In this tutorial I show you how to install the leap motion drivers, download the leap motion software development kit (SDK), and how to use Continue reading
The Ghost anatomy Project | Volumetric Display & LEAP MOTION
Moving around a human 3d skeleton in volumetric display with LEAP Motion – created by Ashish Chandwani, Ngoc Do, Connie Huang, Ted Tagami, Alyssa Trinh at the University of Washington.