NSFW: Oculus and the LEAP = Hentai?

ILLUSIONMOVIE from Japan, demonstrates the way of interaction between a character…. Oculus Rift, Razer Hydra and LEAP Motion in unity3d. Warning: Not suitable for minors.

NSFW [Yunalus] Oculus Rift + Razer Hydra + Leap Motion + Unity3d (ocufes ver) by ILLUSIONMOVIE 

Is this 変態 or へんたい?



そんな夢のデバイス「Oculus Rift (オキュラス リフト)」を使った

[paypal-donation purpose=”Please donate for a Oculus Rift Dev KIT” reference=”Support leap.quitebeyond.de”]

Razer HydraやLeap Motionを使用してさらなる進化を遂げています。




Oculus Rift 体験イベント
「Oculus Festival in Japan」(通称 ocufes) 開催中に展示しています。


It can come into contact with Yuna!

3D viewer “Yunalus” appearance using the device “Oculus Rift” of such a dream!
3D space interlocks according to a motion of a device!

“It can come into contact with 3D beauty in the bud in real time.”

Aiming at such a day, illusion continues a challenge every day!

And as we are already in this topic:

Here comes another one from newbnewbie1 from KOREA: