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Category Archives: experimental
VR Percek: Oculus Rift és Leap Motion
Az első VR élményénél mindenki felteszi a kérdést, hogy hol a kezem? Nagyon furcsa élmény, hogy egy virtuális világban hiába nyújtjuk ki a kezünket, nem Continue reading
Soundscape VR – Leap Motion 3DJam – Final Submission
Enjoy creating music with your fingertips in an immersive abstract landscape.
Windows and Mac downloads available at: http://itch.io/jam/leapmotion3djam/rate/13999
UFO Abduction in Virtual Reality! Oculus Rift DK2 + LEAP Motion Video Walkthrough! (MazerQuest v2.1)
Twitter: @RealityCheckDev
Currently this is my first project regarding game development and I am having a blast! Also, I have a new project Continue reading
HANDS IN VR [FIXED] – Weightless w/ Oculus Rift & Leap Motion!
Weightless with the Leap Motion and Oculus Rift DK2: It’s pretty cool honestly! When it works well you can do some really cool stuff with Continue reading
SmartReality November 2014 Update – Construction App for Oculus Rift with Leap Motion
President of JBKnowledge, Makers of SmartReality, James Benham discusses the latest update to SmartRealityOculus, a version of the SmartReality app built for virtual reality 3D Continue reading
Oculus Rift & Leap Motion: Magic Prototype
KABOOM! Casting Magic spells using the Oculus Rift VR set and the Leap Motion finger controller in this Unity prototype.
Magic spells are selected by Continue reading
L’école virtuelle/ virtual school Oculus Rift Leap Motion
Teaser de l’école virtuelle avec l’Oculus Rift et Leap Motion.
Suivez le projet sur :