Category Archives: demo
Leap Motion virtual keyboard
A simple (and incomplete) virtual keyboard for testing leap motion in VR.
VR Prototypes! Leap Motion and Oculus DK2
VR Prototypes using the DK2 Oculus Rift and Leap Motion!
Watch me demo a few simple set ups I put together. They’re unpolished, but will be Continue reading
NailCanvasVR with Oculus Rift and Leap Motion – added skin tone adjustment function
Nail art simulator with Oculus Rift and Leap Motion.
I’ve just added the function of skin tone adjustment.
You can download the demo version here,
<a href="" target="_blank" Continue reading
Creating Virtual Playgrounds with Eddie Lee
Eddie Lee, founder Funktronic Labs, explains how he combines technology, love, and magic to create immersive and transportive audiovisual experiences with Leap Motion.
Experience Continue reading
Pokemon VR for Oculus Rift and Leap Motion
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Oculus Rift DK2 with Leap Motion: Cockpit VR
Brilliant little VR demo using leap motion and a Starship. She Cannae Take Much More, Captain!
Give it a go here:
A research Continue reading
Oculus Rift + Leap Motion Hand Tracking
A quick demo to showcase, Oculus rift and Leap motion integration, with true physical environment interaction.